Year End Review: Hits and Misses

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ah, so it has come to this. Half a year of work and here I am, still alive and kicking. I booted up this blog back in June and since then I've had quite a few hits and misses with my posts. One good thing that came out of this is that I've finally developed a fine-tuned blogging tempo, so I've managed to maintain some measure of regularity. That being said, not all of my posts are a hit, and many of them are misses.

So to honor the failures, as well as the glory this year has brought me as a blogger, here are this blog's top 5 Hits and Misses for the year of 2012~ Enjoy!

The Hits

1.  Earworm: 2NE1 - I love You
Posted on July 7 || 11210 page views

By far my most popular post of the year, my review (or rather incomprehensible fangirl flailing) over the music video, music and fashion of 2NE1's I Love You somehow came up on top of the list with a staggering amount of views. I'm pretty sure recurring searches of 'Dara's new hair' or 'Dara's shaved head' were what made this post as popular as it was but there were also a few searches on the extravagant nail art and styling that the girls are so well known for. With this video being one of the most stylish this year, it's no wonder it has thousands of pageviews ahead of the rest of my posts. Read more about it here...

2. Art Post: The World Ends With You
Posted on August 29 || 2692 pageviews
The World Ends With You TWEWY Neku and Shiki Fan Art

One rather unexpected post to hit the top with search occurrences was my art post on one of my favorite DS games ever, The World Ends With You. In this post I present the above picture of my fanart (along with the uncolored version) of Neku and Shiki, two of my favorite characters in the game. I'm not the best artist in the world, but I'm really happy this post is out there grabbing some attention :) Read more about it here...

3. Wishlist: Avengers Inspired Fashion
Posted on June 24 || 1966 pageviews
Avengers Inspired Fashion
With the awesomeness that is The Avengers hitting the screens early this year, it's no wonder one of my more popular posts comes with the words 'Avengers-inspired'. Most of this post's popularity however is attributed to the wonderful styling found at so if you guys are looking for similar posts, why not check them out? Read more about it here...

4. Jdramas, Sprout and Grouplove
Posted on July 10 || 1540 pageviews

Haha, one of my more shameful obsessions last year was with this Japanese Drama, Sprout, and the awesome soundtrack that came with it. The combination of Chinen Yuri, Jesse Lewis, a whole slew of Johnny's talents and the awesome backtracks from Grouplove probably brought most of the audience to this post. Ah, the power of music and hot Japanese boys running topless on a beach lol. Read more about it here...

5. Review: Etude House Goodbye Pore Ever
Posted on November 23 || 1075 Pageviews
Etude House's Goodbye Pore Ever Pore Primer Stick

And one of my prouder achievements as a beauty blogger, especially with this review just being posted a month ago is my review on Etude House's Goodbye Pore Ever Pore Primer Stick, and for good reason! It's an awesome product which still serves me well up to now. Read more about it here...

Of course not all my posts were as popular, or as well received as these. At the same time, I'll admit, I post some of the weirdest crap sometimes, and a lot of times I go a little bit overboard. Here are the top 5 Misses, not necessarily because they have low view counts, but for one reason or another haha.

The Misses (but not really)

Posted on June 2; For the first post
Ada Agupitan Fail
Need I say more?

Yeah this marks my return to the blogosphere with what I consider to be my first real post in my formal blogging career hahaha. It leaves a lot to be desired IMO, and I think I was partially on crack while writing this haha. Not to mention I post a few videos of my horrible singing where I'm about ten pounds heavier than I am now. OH GOD WHY. Don't Read more about it here...

2. Discussion: Japan and Copyright Law
Posted on June 23; For the threat that wasn't really a threat

One of the things I'm most passionate about in life is the circulation of free information. So when something threatens that, especially if Japanese media is involved, I get all bat-crap-crazy. Unfortunately for me though, while I was making such a huge fuss over this, nothing really changed and the world moved on, because apparently the law didn't exactly make streaming pirated videos illegal, just the permanent downloading of them into your PC hahaha. What a dud. Don't Read more about it here...

Posted June 12; For the most overwhelming achievement with a rather underwhelming response
signed SISTAR Alone CD

This was honestly probably my greatest achievement last year, aside from the time when I was able to stay in the same hotel on the same floor as one of my favorite Japanese boybands ever and greet them every night when they came back and every morning when they left hahaha.

This CD I got from a giveaway/contest by some of my favorite youtubers, Simon and Martina. I wasn't expecting to win at all when I joined this giveaway, but lo and behold, MY SIGNED CD FROM SISTAR! Unfortunately, not very many were as excited as I was haha. It's like that awkward moment when you're bouncing around the room in a giddy fit and the people around you are just staring blankly into space haha. Well, that's life. Don't Read more about it here...

4. Experimenting
Posted July 15; For Noobish Photoshop and Makeup Skills
experimenting with makeup

At the start of my transition into incorporating makeup and beauty posts into this blog, let's just say I was quite awkward with the camera and abused a few photoshop filters here and there hahaha. Just looking at this picture makes me cringe. Don't Read more about it here...

5. Sembreak Goal #2 Getting My Licence 
Posted October 22; For a thing that never happened
learning how to drive subaru xv

And one of my biggest fails this year ever. Saying that I'd get my driver's licence by sembreak and not actually doing it haha. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON LOL. I've known how to drive this baby for ages and I can't even do it becaue I'm too lazy to go to the LTO (our version of the DMV). Damnit. By next year I should be driving and completely mobile! *resolute* Don't Read more about it here...

Haha. So that wraps up my blog's hits and misses for this year. Coming up will be a year end review of all the awesome fashion, food and music this blog has come to offer, as well as a special mention to one of the little guys who's made this blog a little more fun to read.

See you soon!
Ada, Signing out.
Get Quality Website Philippines


Armel Madsen said...

haha! i know the feeling when you post something you feel should get a lot of pageviews but for some inexplicable reason they don't -- and then wonder why some posts you really don't care about get tons more.

anyway, merry christmas!

Queenie said...

Sometimes I feel like the blogging world is kind of bipolar LOL "I think this will get LOADS of pageviews!" ~5 days later~' WHY IS IT ONLY 3 PAGE VIEWS?!?"

It also seems that the most popular posts are those about other things intertwined with you, like the avengers themed outfit involved avengers in which people may be googling 'avengers' and come across it! And reviews are constantly googled haha!

Enjoyed reading this post! I want to do a review post now .. `-`

Ada Agupitan said...

I know right! It's always the weirdest things that get the views hahaha. I get some pretty creepy people emailing me creepy things as well from a few of the search occurrences lol.

You should definitely do a review post~! Let me know when it's up!

Ada Agupitan said...

Lol the world is weird that way isn't it? haha. Thanks for dropping by!

Amandaaa said...

2ne1's i love you is super amazing! it is probably one of my favorite songs! A lot of the time I will start randomly singing it haha! so much that my mom knows it now XD! your fanart is amazingggg btw!! &&& congrats on winning the signed cd! i nearly fell out of my chair when i won a giveaway because i never win ^^! awesome post as usual Ada<3

wan winkle said...

the misses are so cute.... honestly

Queenie said...

I'll have to hold off on it though! But if I decide to do it, I'll tell you immediately! School is soon so I think I'll have it by early~mid Jan.? gah @_@
and speaking of creepy emails, I checked my email like 5 minutes ago and five were like, "I have a gift for you, friend :)" the trash they go LOL

Ada Agupitan said...

haha I'm glad you find them cute Wanny~ Hope you enjoyed your holidays! Looking forward to another year as a blogger and a reader of your blog!

Ada Agupitan said...

Lol I love 2NE1 too :3 My art isn't all that (there are a lot of better artists out there) but it's a stress reliever so yay :3

Shari said...

The misses aren't so much misses! Youre sooo cute, Ada! :) I love reading your posts! Cheers to a more wonderful 2013!

The Misty Mom

Ada Agupitan said...

Thanks Shari! You too!

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