One Lovely Blog Award

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thanks for nominating Bob / TheFiveMegaPixelBlog /
It's actually my first award so I'm not entirely sure how to go about these things so I'm just going to wing it.

First, the rules:
-Post the award image on your blogpost/sidebar/page

-Link the person who has awarded you 

-Post 7 random things about you

-Nominate other 15 relatively new blogs.


7 Random things about me:

1) I'm a Molecular Biology and Biotechnology student! I want to cure cancer some day, but the research I'm preoccupied in right now is bacterial oil degradation. It's awesome.

2) I can't sit on the floor cross-legged. My joints sort of suck that way.

3) I haven't cut my hair (except for trimming split ends) for 3 years. It now reaches my tail bone

4) I used to figure skate competitively until I realized figure skating in a tropical country didn't really make much sense.

5) I actually really like airplane food. I actually think it tastes fine and find the portions are just right for me (people always give me flack about the amount of food I eat and say it's too little, but with airplane food, I can always reason out that I have no choice).

6) There was a time in my life when I owned seven dogs, four guinea pigs, two cats, three fighter fish and a turtle. My house was a zoo for a few years.

7) My eyes are my favorite part of my face. They're reasonably large and change almost everyday - some days I find myself with tapered eyelids, sometimes parallel, and days when I've slept too much I think I have two folds on my right eye instead of one. (it's not as creepy as it sounds). And even though I'm an adult, my optometrist says my eye spacing is that of a child's, which makes people think I'm younger than I actually am. Being forever young FTW.

I tag and nominate the following blogs (I'll add more along the way) or .

1) Dawnelia's Blog
2) Charming Berryz
3) Akai no Kuchibiru
4) Love and Hot Chocolate
5) Caro's Blog
6) Fangirl Notes

If you guys would like to suggest your blogs for nomination, go ahead and lead a comment or a message on my cbox :) I don't mind. I'll check you out and even follow you back :P

Again, once again. Thanks for the nomination. Be sure to check out the blogs I've nominated!
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Angi said...

Thanks a lot for this lovely blog award! ^-^

Miki Chelle said...

number 4!!!! oh my xDDDD
so so agree!!! XDD

Ada Agupitan said...

Haha. It was such a waste too since I was pretty good at it as well :P Have you ever skated?

Amanda said...

answer: Thank you! :D

Oh, how sweet of her to recommend me ^^ Sure, why not? You like jpop too? :)

My name is Amanda, nice to meet you! Sure I'll follow you :)

Miki Chelle said...

yess!! xDD when I lived in my capital city, Jakarta, I skated quite a lot xD I did ballet too for years, but quit since it's kinda useless learning it when you can't even perform anywhere xD
here in my city, ballet is not that popular yo LOL

Miki Chelle said...

yess!! xDD when I lived in my capital city, Jakarta, I skated quite a lot xD I did ballet too for years, but quit since it's kinda useless learning it when you can't even perform anywhere xD
here in my city, ballet is not that popular yo LOL

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