Movie - Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

Monday, August 27, 2012

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

So those of you who've been following me on Twitter and on Facebook know that I was invited to the press screening of Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D here in the Philippines. It's not exactly the newest of movies considering the delay of its release here in the Philippines but it was still a rather anticipated event of mine considering the stress of my week (and hence my lack of posts). This movie was a perfect chill movie amidst my week of exams.

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

I was invited to the screening by one of the members of the organizing team to blog quite informally about it. I just thought I'd put that out there lest you guys think I'm some bigshot movie blogger now. Sadly, I am not. But despite that fact, I think I'm pretty qualified to voice out my opinion on it, right?

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

So what exactly did I think about the movie?

Coming from someone who's been a fan of Katy since before her "I Kissed A Girl" phase, I'd say the movie wasn't anything new to me where her life was concerned, and it isn't anything new to a lot of her die-hard fans as well. That being said, not everybody is a die-hard fan, and those that aren't are probably fans of most, if not all of the seven songs from her Teenage Dream Album to reach the top of the Billboard Hot Dance Club songs, setting a new record. And for these types of fans, the movie would probably be an inside look on the pop-phenomenon that is Katy Perry. Whether or not the entire thing warranted shooting and screening in 3D, however, is an entirely different banana.

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D
"Be yourself and you can be anything"

So as not to spoil anyone who plans on watching the movie, I'm only going to say this: There is more to Katy Perry than meets the eye and your respect for the singer just might significantly increase after watching. She seems to be the epitome of professional whilst still being able to showcase how down-to-earth she really is with her family, friends and fans. Get to meet Katy Perry's equally quirky friends and family and be awed at the powers of hair and makeup.

I wouldn't say it's a must see movie with its behind-the-scenes and biography type feel, but the concert aspect of it makes you feel like you're up-close in an actual concert. The lineup of songs includes some of Katy's more famous songs, kicking off with an instrumental of The One That Got Away and subsequently showcasing performance versions of Teenage Dream, Hot 'n Cold, California Girls  and I Kissed a Girl just to name a few, as well as some of her less known songs.

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

I think one of my favorite quotes from the movie would have to be "I just want to be the first Katy Perry - not the next somebody".

Wise words, Katy, wise words.

The screening itself was quite an event, with photographers, a photobooth, free food and cotton candy ala California Girls. I wasn't able to take a picture of everything, so I hope the following pictures suffice. Sorry the lighting's a bit wonky - cinemas here are pretty dim-lit.

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D

Hopefully I get to review and pre-screen more movies like this. With any luck, I might be able to review Les Miserables, and on time this time. Haha.

Ada, signing out.
Get Quality Website Philippines


Xixia Wang said...

Woah, this is so cool Ada! That's awesome you got to go see a screening of this.
I'm a decent fan of Katy Perry's work ( though at this moment, I want her to take a break ), and I'm definitely intrigued by the movie. Is it more of a documentary?

Ada Agupitan said...

Yeah, she has a lot going on right now doesn't she? What with her breakup with John Mayer. She deserves a little me time :D

It has a documentary type feel with little testimonials from fans and Katy herself, as well as awesome segments from her world-wide tour interspersed. So there's a bit of everything for everybody. Really the only things worth the 3D though were the concert shots, which were amazing btw. If you're any type of fan of Katy, this might probably make you love her more :D

♠ aiMee Bunbun ♠ said...

i love the setup for the photo booth <3 u look pretty hihi :)

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