Energizer: Powering my Lifestyle

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Energizer and Nuffnang power my life through indirectly instilling within me the passions that have made me who I am today.

Sounds cheesy, but it's true.

I remember my first ever portable CD player and the first ever CD I bought with my own money - The First Pokemon Movie Soundtrack. So I'd bring my large 7x7 "portable" CD player wherever I went, and spend the time on my way to school and on the rides back jamming to the tunes of Billy Crawford, B*witched and pre-mid-life crisis Christina Aguilera.

Remember this song?

Imagine me feeling so cool, being one of the very few seven-year-olds walking around with what was then a pretty darn good piece of equipment to be handling. I'd bug my parents everyday about the batteries for my CD player since I went through them like hotcakes and it came to the point that they'd promise me a full pack of batteries if I did well on my exams. Sigh, things were much simpler then - shallow joys being the highlight of my childhood.

It was no wonder then, that I grew up to be such an anime and video game enthusiast. I've always been a Nintendo baby and my brother and I grew up with one of the first ever old-school Nintendo Game Boys. Then when the Game Boy Color came out, my uncle, who was then as much a Nintendo enthusiast as my brother and I were, gave us his for free! Unfortunately for me though, both the Game Boys we owned were unsightly to say the least - the first one being so beat-up and old (not to mention covered with my brother's old Dragon Ball stickers) and the one given to us a rather icky shade of purple. Don't judge me - I'm a girl with taste haha.

But my passion for handheld gaming escalated past the need to appease my taste in color and for the time being, I tolerated sharing my Game Boy with my older brother. When the time came that I had a decent allowance and finally learned how to budget my money, the passion talked me into actually saving up a year of my allowance to afford my own pink Game Boy Advance.

Ada is a Nintentdo Baby
You guys feeling old yet?

I think, on average, when I was an active gamer, finishing all the first, second and third generation Pokemon games as well as tending to my farm on Harvest Moon, I'd burn through a 4-pack of batteries in a month. That's saying something because I'd play almost eight hours a day. Yeah, awesome batteries are awesome.

Energizer - Makers of the World's Longest Lasting Batteries

Yehp, those batteries really did pack a punch. Don't ask my how I was such an addict and still managed to get my grades up, I'm awesome that way. I stayed up day and night grinding my Pokemon, playing Mario Kart and wooing the girl/boy of my dreams on Harvest Moon haha. Don't judge me!

Here are my babies <3

These babies are Powered by Energizer

Powered by Energizer

Powered by Energizer

Powered by Energizer

Ada is a Nintendo Baby
I'm a Nintendo Baby alright.

And then Nintendo released the Game Boy Advance SP, and while I enjoyed the fact that it had its own rechargeable battery built-in, I sort of missed the immediate gratification of just having to switch up your batteries for another round of gaming. But that didn't mean I was letting go of these old babies. Nope, I still use them regularly, even now ;) Hardcore 90's kid FTW.

That being said, I've evolved into a much deeper person now than I was then. I am a writer, artist, gamer, web and graphics designer, aspiring molecular biologist and a 100% fangirl. Even as technology seems to get more complex each day, my tools of the trade are simple and have stood by me on countless occasions. A tablet and a mouse are pretty much all I need in addition to my laptop and its charger (plus some wifi, but that's a given) and I'm pretty much all set.

Powered by Energizer

When my tablet died on me a few months ago I've mostly been doing graphics and art on this mouse and it has not failed me since.

Powered by Energizer
This baby's powered by Energizer.

I've just started as a Nuffnang Blogger, but already I feel the community spirit with all the events Nuffnang has afforded its users. I've drawn my inspiration from a lot of their bloggers, particularly from Xiaxue, Qiuqiu and other bloggers out there. Thus, while this blog has remained inactive for the past two years, it's stories like theirs, driven by their passions, stories and experiences, that have re-instilled in me the resolve to get this blog rolling once again.

And in that way, Nuffnang and Energizer have powered my lifestyle.

Wanna join in on the fun? More details on Nuffnang, their policies, events and how you can become a Nuffnang blogger right here. And for more details on this post and Nuffnang's latest event, click here.

Ada, signing out! xoxo

Disclaimer: I am not being paid to write this post. This post is an entry for the "Energizer and Nuffnang bring you The Amazing Spider-Man'" Event.
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Rissa Noma said...

oh my G! I love video games too. Just finished the Pokemon Ruby! And we have the same GB Color though mine is Pink hehe. Now I only play on my phone because I lost my games. GBA games. Do you like Legend of Zelda too? That would be awesome if you do! People think it's childish to play those games at my age (24) but I think it makes my brain sharper and improves my strategy and logic hahaha. Kahit na ang kapalit eh masakit na kamay at mata. hihi. ^_^

Ada Agupitan said...

I've finished all the Pokemon games until Platinum. Past that di ko pa nilalaro dahil super busy ako TT_TT I also used to play legend of zelda ahaha. Fave ko i-replay however yung The World Ends With You at yung Harvest Moon and Rune factory ahaha <3

Tama. These games aren't just for kids <3

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